Why do I need an electric bike?

dkybikes-vintage ebike-retro s-retro r

There are many reasons:

dkybikes-vintage ebike-retro s-retro r

  • Get to where you need to go faster and easierthan on a regular bike.
  • Depending on how you choose to ride, you can travel without significant effort at up to 20mph on some bikes and even up to 28mph on others.
  • Climbing hills is a breeze.
  • No more panting and discussing the scenery along the way.

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  • No sweat.
  • Even though you can ride much faster, you won’t feel like you have to take a shower once you are there.
  • Safer.

  • That might seem counter-intuitive, since you can go faster than on a regular bike, but you also get an easier start from stopped positions, allowing you to get through an intersection steadier and quicker. When climbing steep hills with cars nearby you can focus more of your energy on controlling the bike instead of propelling the bike.

  • Easier on those joints.
  • Use the electric assist to ease the pressure on your knees and hips.

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  • Staying together.
  • You may have a riding partner that rides at a different pace than you. An e-bike can even out the pace for both of you.
  • Ditch the car.
  • The convenience, the ease and the speed of an electric bike make it an alternative to an automobile more often than a regular bike. A study by Portland State University shows that e-bike owners ride more frequently and farther than when they relied on their traditional bike. This was the case for all age groups.

DKY Ebikes-Vintage Electric Bike City Bike

  • It’s FUN!!!
  • Just try one and you’ll see. Or catch a friend coming back from their first test ride with a big smile on their face.